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Candidates for WMLFN Election

October 2, 2024

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Powwow 2024

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Saturday, March 12th, 2022

1:00 p.m.


1.0 Opening Prayer

2.0 Introduction & Opening Remarks – Chief Ellen B. LeCaine & Council


3.0 Joel Hughes – RBC Corporate Trustee


3.1 Review of Trust Activity 2020/2021


4.0 Rick Yu – RBC Investment Manager


4.1 Review of Trust Investments 2020/2021


5.0 Kerry Avery – Auditor – Chalupiak & Associates


5.0 Review Audit of Revenue Account

6.0 Adjournment

Beverly Johnson is inviting you to a scheduled Sat 3/12/2022 Zoom meeting.  

Join Zoom Meeting 

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2021 WMLFN Election Results.jpg


DATE:                         Wednesday, April 22, 2020


ISSUE:                       COVID19 PSE Student Support Announcement


PREPARED BY:        FSIN Education & Training Secretariat





On March 12, 2020 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the COVID-19 Virus outbreak a global pandemic. On March 16, 2020 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced strategic COVID-19 restrictive and preventive measures across and within Canada.  All Post-Secondary Institutions across Saskatchewan have gone to online learning effective March 20, 2020 to the end of the Winter 2020 term and will remain as online learning until it is deemed safe to resume in person classes. 


Issues identified by the Saskatchewan First Nation Postsecondary Coordinators include: 

  • PSE Students are having issues with staying connected with their classes due to connectivity, access to technology and bandwidth issues While this action protects our students from possibly being exposed to COVID-19, it also presents pressures for students:

  • Students may not have adequate access to online learning,

  • struggling with assignments due to no child care availability,

  • access to other resources needed to complete their studies. 

  • with the overall laying off of many workers and business shutting down, many students will also be dealing with shortage of summer work options, causing the additional pressures of paying their rent and bills over the summer. 


A Letter was drafted by the FSIN Education and Training Secretariat and sent from Vice Chief Pratt to Minister Marc Miller on March 30 regarding the issues with First Nations PSE Students. 




Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced today (April 22, 2020) the Canada Student Emergency Benefit that is aimed at providing supports for PSE students across Canada that are affected by COVID19 pandemic. 

  • $9 billion in financial aid for post-secondary students

  • Students will be eligible for $1,250 a month from May through August beginning May 1, 2020

  • That sum can go up to $1,750 if the student is taking care of someone or has a disability.

  • The benefit is available also to students who have jobs but are making less than $1,000 a month.

  • Payments will be made through the Canada Revenue Agency.

  • Students who volunteer for the fight against COVID-19 over the summer will be paid between $1,000 and $5,000, depending on the hours they work.

  • Doubling student grants for eligible students — up to $6,000 for full-time students and up to $3,600 for part-time students.


Other measures announced for students today include:

  • Raising the maximum weekly amount that can be provided through the Canada student loans program in 2020-2021 to $350 from $210.

  • More than $75 million in additional supports for Indigenous post-secondary students.

  • Another $291 million for federal granting councils to extend expiring federal graduate research scholarships and post-doctoral fellowships and supplement existing federal research grants.


NOTE:  The Canada emergency response benefit (CERB) is available to students and anyone else who made at least $1,000 in the last year, but only if they had been working and lost their source of income when COVID-19 struck.


We have been told by the AFN that the 75 million in additional supports for Indigenous Post-Secondary Students that the First Nation’s allocation is $65M and will go to out via the existing Post-Secondary Student Support Program and will be rolled out through the existing contribution agreements.  Regional allocations have not yet been determined and will be forthcoming.  Important to note this is a 1-year investment due to COVID19.  This has to be confirmed with ISC and we will keep the PSE Coordinators updated on this. 




  • The FSIN Education & Training Secretariat will follow up with determining how our students can access the Canada Student Emergency Benefit

  • The FSIN Education & Training Secretariat will follow up with determining the Saskatchewan allocation and roll out of the 65M of the additional supports for PSE Students

  • The next Post-Secondary Coordinators Meeting is April 29, 2020 via Conference Call at 1 pm – 4 pm

Covid Response



The Wood Mountain Lakota First Nation will receive approximately $59,000 from Indigenous Community Support Fund to assist the First Nation in responding to the on-going COVID 19 crisis. We are waiting on these funds to be received from Ottawa. These dollars are principally aimed at on-reserve members, with a separate funding envelope created for regional and urban organizations. 


Despite the targeted nature of the funding, given the unique situation facing the Wood Mountain Lakota First Nation, we have set aside $40,000 of those funds for to provide one-time financial assistance of $155 to all on and off-reserve Wood Mountain band members (18 years & older) to assist with their COVID-19 preparedness efforts. This includes all Wood Mountain SA clients. 


The balance of the funds will be used for other preparedness initiatives, including purchasing sanitizer, PPE, for protecting the health and safety of our Community, and a variety of other initiatives.


In order to receive your one-time financial assistance of $155, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Must be 18 years and older (as of May 30h)

  • Must provide valid mailing address.

  • Must provide Treaty Status Number.


Application Form

please download this form and email to

 or mail to:

Wood Mountain Lakota First Nation
PO Box 1792
Assiniboia, Sask.
S0H 0B0


Frequently Asked Questions (Please Read):


How Will I Receive My Assistance?

Mail-Outs: You should expect to receive your payment within 14 business days of applying. Out of province or out of country could take a few extra days.

On-reserve: the administration will hand deliver in a manner consistent with social distancing requirements.


Is there a deadline to apply?

Yes, you have until May 30th to apply. Due to the nature of the situation and to keep our staff safe we’ve implemented a short implementation period.


I’m turning 18 years old after May 30th am I still eligible?

No, the cut-off is May 30th.


For inquiries:



PLEASE SCAN THE REQUIRED DOCUMENTS (Wood Mountain Lakota First Nation Per Capita Distribution)



Email them to:

or mail to:

Wood Mountain Lakota First Nation

PO Box 1792

Assiniboia, Saskatchewan S0H 0B0


Download the documents from our website:


Per Capita Distribution Payments

Will be done Electronically


If you have any questions or concerns please call the Band Office
@ 1-306-266-2039 or Toll Free @ 1-855-202-2042

Wood Mountain Lakota First Nation
Per Capita Distribution Document

Acknowledgement Letter 
(Word Document)

Legal responses to
question posed at information meeting


P.O. BOX 1792

PHONE: (306)-266-2039
FAX: (306)-266-2024

Wood Mountain Lakota First Nation Reaches Tentative Settlement of 100-Year-Old Land Dispute

WOOD MOUNTAIN LAKOTA NATION, December 9, 2019 - Wood Mountain Lakota First Nation has reached a tentative settlement of a 100-year-old land dispute relating to the size of its reserve, bringing to an end more than 10 years of litigation and negotiations.

The proposed settlement will go through a ratification process with Wood Mountain members, with a vote scheduled for January 11, 2020. All Band members have been invited to an information meeting on December 14, 2019.


The dispute centered around a unilateral decision made by Canadian officials to take away half of Wood Mountain Lakota’s original reserve around the time of the First World War. The Government of Canada gave those lands to returning non-Indigenous soldiers and settlers, effectively turning over the First Nation’s land to private owners.


Under the proposed settlement agreement, Canada will pay approximately $50 million in compensation for the loss of use of the lands and has agreed that the First Nation can buy nearly 5,700 acres of land to replace what was taken. The First Nation will use a portion of the compensation to provide a reasonable distribution to its members and to target economic and cultural initiatives, with the funds placed in a trust to benefit future generations.


“While it’s been a long time coming, the proposed settlement agreement shows the commitment of both our leadership and the Government of Canada to move past simply talking about reconciliation. This is truly ‘reconcili-ACTION’”, said Chief Ellen B. Lecaine. “We will use this settlement to assist our families and communities today and to protect the interests of future generations. We faced many challenges when the land was taken and this settlement is about moving forward. We will use the lessons of the past to address the needs at the heart of our Nation and our families.”


Wood Mountain Lakota First Nation members are the descendants of Sitting Bull’s tribe. It is the only Lakota First Nation in Canada and one of three First Nations in Saskatchewan that has not entered into Treaty. The Nation’s reserve is located approximately 65 kilometres southwest of the Town of Assiniboia.




For further information contact:
Beverly Johnson

Please note that any information regarding the
Wood Mountain Lakota First Nation Specific Land Claim will be from the Chief and Council via a newsletter or
will be posted on this website.

Also note that The Wood Mountain Lakota First Nation does not have a Facebook page. Please disregard any information that is posted under our name on Facebook.

Physical & Social Distancing

Physical and Social distancing are the most effective tools we have to prevent and manage the spread of
COVID-19. We all have a role to play to prevent the spread of germs within our communities – to protect ourselves, our families, and those at higher risk. Social distancing means making changes in everyday routines in order to minimize close contact with others, including:

  • Avoiding crowded places

·         avoiding non-essential community and cultural gatherings

·         avoiding common greetings, such as handshakes

  • limiting contact with people at higher risk (e.g. older adults and those with underlying health conditions)

  • keeping a distance of at least 2 arms lengths (approximately 2 meters) from others, as much as possible


How individuals can practice physical and social distancing

  • greet with a wave instead of a handshake, a kiss or a hug

  • stay home as much as possible, including for meals and entertainment

  • shop or take public transportation during off-peak hours

  • conduct virtual meetings

  • host virtual playdates for kids

  • use technology to keep in touch with friends and family


If possible,

  • Use online shopping or have someone bring groceries to your doorstep

 ·         exercise at home or outside, while keeping a distance of at least 2 arms lengths from others

 ·         work from home


Individuais need to:

  • wash their hands often for at least 20 seconds and avoid touching their face with unwashed hands

  • cough or sneeze into the bend of their arm

  • avoid touching surfaces people touch often


If someone in your community is concerned, they may have COVID-19, they should:

  • separate themselves from others as soon as they have symptoms

  • if they are outside the home when a symptom develops, they should go home immediately and avoid taking public transit

  • not go to work or school or attend gatherings

  • stay home and follow the advice of their Public Health Authority, who may recommend self-isolation

  • call ahead to a health care provider if they are ill and seeking medical attention


Current state risks:

  •  The risk is higher for severe illness’s and outcomes in the vulnerable populations:

  • Older ager groups

  • And those of all ages with the following underlying conditions for example:

a. Heart disease

b. Diabetes

c. Lung diseases such as asthma or COPD


Everyday guidelines change for COVID 19

For more information: 1-833-784-4397; call 811; watch updates on TV

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